NICI Rack Label
25 March 2009
Last week before I went back to my home town, I go to NICI retail shop at One Utama to hunt for Jolly Wolf Hugo or any new arrival.
Well sadly I can't find Easter Rabbit or Jolly Wolf Hugo yet.. I think I still have to wait another month.
I done some chit chat with the shop-keeper and ask can I have any of those NICI Label sticker or not (same as those they post on the rack one). Well guess what, I am so lucky that they have extra and willing to give away for me. :D
NICI AG is trying hard to promote their products as German Brand, the reason I can guess of is because there is alot of people think NICI Product is from China.
Why we think that NICI is from China?
Reason 1: Label says Made in China
Reason 2: China & Taiwan is flooeded with none-genuine NICI Products.
Reason 3: I think NICI AG didn't do well in advertising in ASIA-Pasific, I don't even know what happen to NICI AG lately.
This (Jolly Mah) still is my favorite :D
Have a nice day to you all :)
March 25, 2009 at 5:28 PM
Well, I think that all Nici fans know that it is a German brand.
By the way, if you want to buy Hugo Wolf, there is a link that sells online (I don't know if they send plushes to Malaysia):