Brownie Jolly Mah
I can't recall what is this sizes of Jolly Mah. 60cm? or 50cm? But any how, today going to introduce this brownie Jolly Mah, or I think call it Teh Peng better?
The only post which is allow him to sit still is.. like this. Haha.. no way that he can stand up with that 2 soft leg. He is another lazy Jolly Mah. No wonder he so fat.
This one, I get it from S&J. It is kind of cheap, only cost me RM 99.90. For the original price for this size of Jolly Mah should be RM 299.90. The lucky part is I only able to get 1, the unlucky part is... factory no more stock for this size I think the face part kind of big & heavy, always every time falling down coz of his face heavier than his body. Em.. look kind of cute at this view.
January 18, 2008 at 3:35 PM
hi ssaturn, how r u getting on??
happy chinese new year..
hope u have a very good beginning of this year....