NICI - Wild Life - Gwen the Giraffe
When you go to National Zoo, you won't miss out this remarkable wild life animal :) that photo was taken at June 2008 a day trip to National Zoo in Malaysia. It is rather disappointed some how, there are not much of wild animals inside the Zoo..
Ok now we have the New NICI Giraffe, (I call it Version 2.0, lol) Compare to photo below :). It released by NICI together with Gorilla.. We will notice the texture is slightly different from the previous version, (I think they finally try to wipe out the China non-genuine products).
Take a look horn, it is diffrent from the previous version. I think it is time for our small giraffe grow up to be adult giraffe :D
Nice Hair :), and please take note at the skin pattern. do you notice all the brown pattern are join with the another half. So this is a tips for all the NICI collector out there, please try your best to find the best fitting skin pattern..
I finally found a few nice posting for Giraffe, I quickly take a few snap :)
(Giraffe - Missing someone)
Gwen: - "What you waiting for? Go look for me :)"
You can purchase from NICI - Cuddly Kingdom or NICI Online Offial Website
Malaysian buyer :) well.. now NICI One Utama have the stock. (27 Feb 2010)
February 28, 2010 at 7:59 PM
I have the two giraffes, they are soo soft. The former one is lovely too, but it is true that the newer one is more "real".