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NICI - Goleo  

Today, I went to IOI Mall Puchong for my dinner... After my dinner, I went to Jasco to buy some grocery stuff, and suddenly something caught my attention. This product is under "Best Buy" category, they seriously mark down the price..

I only manage to buy 2 of the good in condition NICI 2006 products (FIFA 2006), well I know it is a very sad history for NICI in 2006. And I am not going to go thru that part of story..

I am impressed by the handmade art work done by NICI.. look at the product below, isn't it beautiful?

Let's not forget about this.. :) Photo Clipper, I know the lion doesn't looks cute as what we have in wild animal series. But look at the quality of the material they use, and workmanship in it.. :)

2 Sheeps: to “ NICI - Goleo